Muslim Headstones
We offer a range of memorials including Muslim headstones and Islamic headstones.
We are a small friendly company which has now been established in 2009.
Islamic styles and symbols can be used to create truly unique memorials for Muslims.
Crescent Moon – The most easily recognized symbol of Islamic faith.
Mosque-Shaped grave marker – Many Islamic monuments are in the shape of a mosque to represent the piety of the deceased.
The Arabic language is well known for its gorgeous, flowing script. A verse from the Quran is the perfect addition to any Islamic grave marker.
We have the experience, expertise, resources and the right people to work closely with Muslim families at the time of need. Many families turn to unfamiliar establishments that often do not posses either the correct facilities or do not have enough understanding of the Islamic etiquette, therefore it is our aim to offer help and advice to such families in a professional way meeting their religious requirements.
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